Request a Prospectus

We hope that our prospectus will give you a feel of what we have to offer. If you experience any difficulties completing the form below, please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected] +44 (0)1684 581515

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The Malvernian Society’s Gryphon Fund is the means by which everyone in the Malvern community can make a difference. Many of our supporters choose to make regular contributions, monthly or annually, big or small in this way. These regular donations are popular because they allow you to plan your giving over time. For us, they provide critical and predictable support for the College year on year.

Make a gift today

Through the Gryphon Fund, you are invited to designate your gift in three ways:

1. Give to a particular Boarding House

Enabling significant enhancements to the House, helping to make it a warm and welcoming home from home

2. Give to Transformational Bursaries

Attracting pupils from diverse backgrounds who can make a significant contribution to our community

3. Give to Malvern College’s General Fund

Contributing to a wide range of projects such as large-scale capital builds and renovations

Every contribution is meaningful, and we are truly grateful for your support. The combined effect when lots of people come together has a significant and impressive impact on what we can achieve at the College.

Make a donation online or contact:

Alexandra Albright | Head of Development: [email protected] or +44 (0)1684 581607
Fiona Paterson | Associate Head of Development: [email protected] or +44 (0)1684 581654.

We would be delighted to hear from you.