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A new Common Room for House No.2

In recent years, there has been a rumbling murmur of discontent about the extension on No.2, at the back of the House. To the modern eye, it fails to blend in with the architecture of the House or with the general vernacular on campus. Its prominent position and visibility from the Senior has challenged us to address its aesthetics.

By removing outdated windows, installing retractable bi-fold doors on the ground floor and creating a small patio area outside overlooking the Senior, we would love to create an attractive Common Room space for the boys of No.2, where they can socialise, watch sport together and enjoy the outdoors.

We have now launched a campaign to raise the £80,000 required to make the necessary alterations, hopefully later this year. The architects’ impressions below show just what might be possible in completely transforming the current space to a contemporary new area inside and out.

If you would like to join this initiative by making a gift yourself and help us bring the project to fruition, please contact:

Alexandra Albright | Head of Development: [email protected] or +44 (0)1684 581607
Fiona Paterson | Associate Head of Development: [email protected] or +44 (0)1684 581654.

We would be delighted to hear from you.

Alternatively you can click here to donate online.

(Please note that images are artists’ impressions and are for illustrative purposes only)



