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The first of our new professional networking events has been set for Tuesday 1st October. 

Aimed at all OMs and EOGs working in in the professional services - law, finance, accounting, architecture, IT services and property - this is a fantastic chance to make new connections as well as catching up with old Malvern friends. 

We are delighted that Paul Nicholls (9.71-76) Chief Executive and Chairman of Hoare Govett 2006-2012, chairman of UK Investment Banking at Jefferies 2012 to 2023, and a member of the Malvern College Council, will be our guest speaker.

When:   Tuesday 1st October 
Where:  Sarasins & Partners, 100 St. Paul's Churchyard, London, EC4M 8BU
Time:    6 - 8pm
For:       All OMs and EOGs working in the professional services
Tickets: Free to attend

Please email [email protected] to reserve your place.